Today my to-do list was two columns long. Because of an interesting night at the latin dance club (funny story) I slept waayyyyy too long. And then I got ready and watched football all day. Now I'm procrastinating even longer by blogging. Here is the New Mexico trip.

The zoo- with all 5 kids (including Pops).

I think I spent more time in Albuquerque than Bloomfield, which i'm completely fine with. I got to hang out with my high school bff- he took me on a 'tour' of UNM. Chilled with za brothers.

A couple weeks ago my mom and Cade came to Provo. Cade is one ripped 11 year old. He weighs as much as me and is just a few inches shorter. My terrific friend Casey took us canoeing. It was a great trip and was one of our last memories before I dropped him off at the airport for his China study abroad. I can't wait for his return January!