Sunday, April 1, 2012

Oh, Sweet the Joy This Sentence Gives

Today is Palm Sunday. I was raised in a home where Easter week was celebrated for the sole reason of Jesus Christ. We never had Easter egg hunts or ate candy, but we focused on the life of Christ from the scriptures and applications of His teachings through stories. Because of this, I have a deeper understanding and appreciation of Easter than I would otherwise.

And still, this year is different. This year, the Atonement and Resurrection mean even more. This year, it's real. It's been an overwhelming and emotional past couple days, and because of it, I have a much stronger testimony of my Savior and Redeemer. He suffered so He could "know according to the flesh how to succor his people". He is perfectly loving and understanding, and will welcome everyone back into His arms. I have a testimony of eternal families, of eternal life. One day, our bodies and spirits will join permanently, and there will be bliss beyond our understanding. Since Thursday morning, I've had one phrase repeat in my mind: I know that my Redeemer lives!

I have always loved this picture. It shows it how it was all the time.