Monday, January 20, 2014


Everyone's talking about the article "23 Things to Do Instead of Getting Engaged before You're 23". The article is so preposterous that I won't even waste my time replying to it. The one thing I did like was the general purpose- stop wasting your time in life. If you want to do something, do it. Sure there may be barriers in the way, but do the things that will overcome the barriers and cha-ching! You're living a fulfilling life. Getting engaged or staying single is irrelevant. It's all about becoming a Yes Person. So here's 23 things I want to do before I'm 23.

1. Get a passport
2. Send my nieces and nephews birthday cards
3. Visit 2 new temples
4. Get my bachelor's degree in dietetics...even if it kills me
5. Run a half marathon
6. Visit Seattle
7. Find 30 family names and get dem dunked
8. Participate in a White Coat Ceremony
9. Win a freaking intramural champion shirt- we were so, so close last semester
10. Build a fort, a good fort
11. Read the Bible, probably not all of it, but probably a good portion of it
12. Say yes to a date
13. Learn how to make curry
14. Eat at the MOA Cafe (so I can prove to everyone that Pen Court is better)
15. Hand off the baton in Scenic View, aka retire as program director smoothly. My baby.
16. Watch a Lord of the Rings movie
17. Take 3 steps to become more granola
18.  Do the research
19. Visit a national park I have never been to before
20. Go to a Vocal Point concert
21. Havasupai.
22. Do my laundry and fold it and put it away in the same day
23. Decide what I'm going to do with this crazy passion I have for sociology

Photo by: Emma Vidmar Photography [[]]

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